Q. I have an eye but cannot see.
I’m faster than any man alive and have no limbs.
What am I?

A. A tornado or a hurricane. The calm area in the middle of such a storm is called the eye and wind speeds can reach up to 300 mph in an extreme tornado. Neither one have any arms or legs, but that doesn’t stop them from moving, does it?

Q. I move quickly with hurried steps,
If my hand is forced I can sink ships,
I’ll cause you to shudder when driving your car,
And haul your fuel to where you are,
I’ll watch you bleed from a cut,
Add a rear and I’ll tell you what’s what.
What am I?

A. Scuttle. To scuttle is to scurry or run hurriedly. Scuttling is the deliberate sinking of your own ship. Scuttle shake is felt in convertibles where the passengers feel a distinct shudder. A coal scuttle is a bucket-like container to haul coal. A shaving scuttle holds hot water when you’re shaving. And adding a “rear” forms scuttlebutt, or rumors and gossip.