Q. On my own I’m 24th,
Two of us and I’m 20,
Three of us and I’m 18.
What am I?
A. The letter X. It is the 24th letter of the alphabet, two Xs in Roman numerals equals twenty and triple x represents adult content, and adulthood is eighteen by law in most countries.
Q. I always send you in the right direction,
Three of us and I’m 18.
What am I?
A. The letter X. It is the 24th letter of the alphabet, two Xs in Roman numerals equals twenty and triple x represents adult content, and adulthood is eighteen by law in most countries.
Q. I always send you in the right direction,
I’m arrayed in black and white,
Ignore me and lose my protection,
No more than two words are in sight.
What am I?

A one way street sign. It tells you the correct way to go, is black and white (in the United States), going the wrong way can get you a citation and the sign only has two words on it.
Ignore me and lose my protection,
No more than two words are in sight.
What am I?
A one way street sign. It tells you the correct way to go, is black and white (in the United States), going the wrong way can get you a citation and the sign only has two words on it.