Q. What can be seen but never found that only hides in the unwound?

A. Relaxation. You can see when someone is relaxing, but no one can remain completely relaxed forever. You can relax more easily as you learn to unwind.

Q. I have three eyes but only one leg.
I still close one even if you beg.
What am I?

A. A traffic light. It has three "eyes" (the red, orange and green lights) and the leg is the pole holding it up. Many people beg the light to stay green as they're approaching.


Q. I am a seven letter word, you read me daily. Letters 567 increase every year. The 3rd and 4th letters are the same and my 325 letters cover about 70% of the world. What am I?

A. Message. Letters 567 are your age, which goes up every year. Letters 3 and 4 (both s) are in fact the same, and letters 325 spell sea, and estimates say that the earth is covered by about 70% water.

Q. They are two sisters. One gives birth to the other, who in turn gives birth to the first. What are the two sisters?

A. Night and day. When night is over, the day breaks, and when the day ends, night is born anew.


Q. What state is round on one side, high in the middle, and round on the other side?

A. Ohio. This one works a little better when spoken rather than read, but O is round, hi sounds like high and the last O is as round as the first.

Q. Shoe, door, sticks, straight.
What word comes next?

A. Hen. The words are the last in each phrase from the children's nursery rhyme.

One, two, buckle my shoe;
Three, four, Shut the door;
Five, six, Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight, Lay them straight:
Nine, ten, A big, fat hen;


Q. What has a ring but no finger?

A. A telephone.

Q. I am located in the middle of nowhere. What am I?

A.The letter 'h'. It is the middle letter of the word 'nowhere'. 


Q. I have no ears, but more than one eye,
Cut me in half, I won't cry,
Leave me alone and I will die.
What am I ?

A. A potato. The roots growing out of a potato are called eyes, when you cut a potato in half it doesn't produce any moisture and if you leave a poor potato to its own devices, it will die.

Q. I am a wonderful help to women,
The hope of something to come.
I harm no citizen except my slayer.
Rooted I stand on a high bed. I am shaggy below.
Sometimes the beautiful peasant's daughter, an eager-armed,
Proud woman grabs my body,
Rushes my red skin, holds me hard,
Claims my head. The curly-haired
Woman who catches me fast will feel
Our meeting. Her eye will be wet.
What am I ?

A. An onion. Onions help add flavor to meals, they make the person who cuts them cry and they grow hair downtown.


Q. What is deep within you, never dies or gets worn out, and only needs some fire from time to time ?

A. Your soul. Your soul is deep inside of you, it never dies and at various points in our lives we all get fired up about something.

Q. A metal neither black nor red,
As heavy as man's golden greed.
What you do to stay ahead,
With friend or foe or arrow and steed.
What am I ?

Lead. Lead is a metallic gray, is very heavy and in order to stay ahead of someone, you need to be in the lead.


Q. I run cold and hot,
I look blue but am red.
What am I ?

A. Blood. People can be referred to as hot blooded, and certain animals are cold-blooded. Your veins look blue, but the blood is actually red.

Q. I have four letters in my name,
I am a fruit or a vegetable,
I look like a giant green onion,
I end with the letter k.
What am I ?

A. The leek. It has four letters, has been considered both a fruit and a vegetable, looks like a green onion and ends with the letter k.


Q. I always run but never walk,
I sometimes sing but cannot talk,
No head on which a hat to place,
You always look me in the face. What am I ?

A. A clock. It runs all the time, it "sings" for hourly chimes, cuckoos or alarms, it doesn't have a head (but does have hands) and you look a clock in the face to tell the time.

Q. Who is silent in Parliament ?

A. The letter i, which is the only silent letter in the word Parliament.


Q. Twenty one points divide and dance,
Twirling and leaping about,
Ladies, Romans and knights of France,
Craving a victor's rout,
Wrought of wood, ivory or bone,
An exciting yet vicious pursuit,
Ancient, forbidden and crooked,
All in search of the loot.

A. A die. The standard die has 21 pips (or points), divided up on the six sides of the die which dance around when rolled. Ladies, knights and Romans all played dice as a pastime (though not together). Dice can be made of wood, ivory and bone, among other materials. Dice have been used in Asia since before recorded history and many governments tried unsuccessfully to outlaw the game. Professional gamblers were common and often used loaded dice. Desperate German chaps even bet their own liberty on a single roll of the dice.

Q. I'm the start of whatever you might conceive.
Next I describe a Thanksgiving meal.
Last I transform to a state we all leave. What am I ?

A. begin, binge, being. Everything has a beginning, Thanksgiving dinner is known for being a meal of excessive consumption and the mortal state of being (or the state of a human being) is one which, for all our efforts to extend, will eventually end.