Q. I am like a witch’s brew, I make people do what they don’t want to, At the sound of my voice, you have no choice, but to do what’s requested of you.
What am I?

A. The magic word – please. It makes people do things they otherwise wouldn’t be inclined to do. When parents are teaching children about manners, they call it the magic word and wait to fulfill a request until the child says please. Once the child says it, the parent feels bound to do it to show the child that it works.

Q. I see much but change little,
I am firm, irresolute,
Powerful but gentle,
I can rip apart mountains,
Yet be moved by gentle stirrings,
I am valued and wasted,
I am life itself,
And I give life to others.
What am I?

A. A tree. A tall one can see long distances but don’t change much. They are strong and powerful, and the roots of a tree can slowly tear apart a mountain. The gentle stirrings of the wind can blow their branches and leaves. Trees are valuable as they provide wood and paper, but they are also wasted. And lastly, trees, like all plants, provide us with life-giving oxygen.


Q. I’m easy to give yet few will take,
I’m shared with a bride and can be seen at a wake,
I have a monopoly on the young,
And at times, it’s true, I may have stung.
What am I?

Q. I can help you have some fun,
Sometimes I get stronger from the sun,
If you never give me a break,
You will find I never wake,
I am optimistic on one side,
I can be short, fat, tall or wide,
Rectangle and cylinder are two of my shapes,
And I can even help you make video tapes,
Sometimes you must wait for me to get ready,
Just hold on for a few hours and be steady,
I can help you get around the mall,
Or help you make a telephone call.
What am I?


Q. I have an eye but cannot see.
I’m faster than any man alive and have no limbs.

What am I?

A.A tornado or a hurricane. The calm area in the middle of such a storm is called the eye and wind speeds can reach up to 300 mph in an extreme tornado. Neither one have any arms or legs, but that doesn’t stop them from moving, does it?

Q.I move quickly with hurried steps,
If my hand is forced I can sink ships,
I’ll cause you to shudder when driving your car,
And haul your fuel to where you are,
I’ll watch you bleed from a cut,
Add a rear and I’ll tell you what’s what.
What am I?

 A. Scuttle. To scuttle is to scurry or run hurriedly. Scuttling is the deliberate sinking of your own ship. Scuttle shake is felt in convertibles where the passengers feel a distinct shudder. A coal scuttle is a bucket-like container to haul coal. A shaving scuttle holds hot water when you’re shaving. And adding a “rear” forms scuttlebutt, or rumors and gossip.


Q.I am like a witch’s brew, I make people do what they don’t want to, At the sound of my voice, you have no choice, but to do what’s requested of you.
What am I?

Q.I see much but change little,
I am firm, irresolute,
Powerful but gentle,
I can rip apart mountains,
Yet be moved by gentle stirrings,
I am valued and wasted,
I am life itself,
And I give life to others.
What am I?


Q.On my own I’m 24th,
Two of us and I’m 20,
Three of us and I’m 18.
What am I?

A.The letter X. It is the 24th letter of the alphabet, two Xs in Roman numerals equals twenty and triple x represents adult content, and adulthood is eighteen by law in most countries.

Q. I always send you in the right direction,
I’m arrayed in black and white,
Ignore me and lose my protection,
No more than two words are in sight.
What am I?

A one way street sign. It tells you the correct way to go, is black and white (in the United States), going the wrong way can get you a citation and the sign only has two words on it.


Q. I have an eye but cannot see.
I’m faster than any man alive and have no limbs.
What am I?

Q.I move quickly with hurried steps,
If my hand is forced I can sink ships,
I’ll cause you to shudder when driving your car,
And haul your fuel to where you are,
I’ll watch you bleed from a cut,
Add a rear and I’ll tell you what’s what.
What am I?


Q. My motor revs, but I’m no rocket,
I’ll hit you deep within your pocket,
I’m a little tart, don’t be afraid,
Unless life’s gift – then quick, seek aid!

A. A lemon. It’s a citrus fruit whose juice is acidic and can be used to conduct electricity for motors. A car or other purchase that has problems is known as a lemon and can be expensive to repair. Lemons have a tart flavor but do little harm (unless you get it in a cut, then it hurts like the dickens). The old saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” (I know, it’s spelled aid not ade but it sounds the same and wouldn’t make any sense the other way. It all works out nicely when the riddle is told instead of read.)

Q.Ground not for thy daily bread,
Leave me in my scented bed,
Ignore me not, lest I doth wither,
My name I leave you to consider.

A. A flower. The soil they grow in is not used for food, like wheat to make bread, but for their smell. A neglected flower will wither.


Q.On my own I’m 24th,
Two of us and I’m 20,
Three of us and I’m 18.
What am I?

Q. I always send you in the right direction,
I’m arrayed in black and white,
Ignore me and lose my protection,
No more than two words are in sight.
What am I?


Q. I can turn into a car, building or even a robot. I'm manmade and my siblings and I outnumber you 62 to 1. My name means, "Play well" in my creator's native tongue. What am I?

A. Legos. They can be turned into all sorts of things, including cars, building and robots. If you divided up all the legos ever made, each person on the planet would get 62. Lego is based on the Danish phrase leg godt which means, "play well".

Q. First think of a person who lives in disguise, who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next tell me what's the last to mend, the middle of middle and the end of end. Finally give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard to find word. Now string them together and answer me this, which creature are you unwilling to kiss? 

A. A spider. The person in disguise is a spy, the letter d is the last letter in mend, in the middle of middle and the last letter of end. When someone can't think of a word they often say, "Err". And lastly, I don't know about you, but I'm not keen to kiss a spider.


1. Mouthless but I will tell you a name that is not mine,
I will show you the years I have seen but I have no eyes,
Memory I have but I have no mind.
What am I?

2.This mother comes from a family of eight,
Supports her children in spite of their weight,
Turns around without being called,
Has held you since the time you crawled. Who is she?