Q. Some form a parliament,
Others a company, congregation or convocation,
The mob can see a murder, or clamor and wake,
A bouquet is presented when flushed. What are we ?
A. Birds. These are collective nouns for groups of birds.
parliament - owls
company - parrots
congregation - plovers
convocation - eagles
mob - emus
murder - crows clamor - rooks
wake - buzzards
bouquet - pheasants (when flushed)
Q. My first is in alphabet, my third is in Guinness, my sixth is in donut and my eighth is in elephant. My fifth doesn't appear in walrus, my second isn't in stealth, but my seventh is in tremendous and my fourth is in horse. I can create peace. What am I ?
A. Everyone. Several words match the letter requirements, but only everyone satisfies the last statement. The other words are:
Others a company, congregation or convocation,
The mob can see a murder, or clamor and wake,
A bouquet is presented when flushed. What are we ?
A. Birds. These are collective nouns for groups of birds.
parliament - owls
company - parrots
congregation - plovers
convocation - eagles
mob - emus
murder - crows clamor - rooks
wake - buzzards
bouquet - pheasants (when flushed)
Q. My first is in alphabet, my third is in Guinness, my sixth is in donut and my eighth is in elephant. My fifth doesn't appear in walrus, my second isn't in stealth, but my seventh is in tremendous and my fourth is in horse. I can create peace. What am I ?
A. Everyone. Several words match the letter requirements, but only everyone satisfies the last statement. The other words are: