Q. We are not flesh, feather, scales nor bone;
Yet we still have fingers and thumbs of our own.
What are we ?
A. Gloves. They're not made of flesh, feather, scales or bone, but have fingers and thumbs.
Q. Ten white men standing on a dirt road.
Killed by three eyes as black as night.
What happened ?
A. Someone bowled a strike. The ten white men are the pins, the dirt road is the bowling alley (it's not dirt, but it's the color of dirt, and if it said a smooth wooden alley it wouldn't be much of a riddle). Three eyes as black as night are the finger holes in the bowling ball.
Yet we still have fingers and thumbs of our own.
What are we ?
A. Gloves. They're not made of flesh, feather, scales or bone, but have fingers and thumbs.
Q. Ten white men standing on a dirt road.
Killed by three eyes as black as night.
What happened ?
A. Someone bowled a strike. The ten white men are the pins, the dirt road is the bowling alley (it's not dirt, but it's the color of dirt, and if it said a smooth wooden alley it wouldn't be much of a riddle). Three eyes as black as night are the finger holes in the bowling ball.